COVID-19 Safety Guidelines 2020
Updated 8/10/20
The CSSC COVID-19 Safety Guidelines include best practices for adult social sports. These were developed in consultation with CDC requirements, state and local guidelines, and the input of the Sport & Social Industry Association.
This document can and will be updated as additional issues are identified. These guidelines do not replace individual guidelines enforced by individual municipalities, parks departments, facilities, or specific locations. CSSC intends to follow these rules and mandates as communicated to us by our facility contacts.
Table of Contents
- Detailed restarting emails will be sent to all participants with requirements for their specific sport/location, options for not playing, and expectations from them and their team.
- Stay at home if you are sick or show any symptoms.
- Come, Play, Leave - avoid gathering.
- Use large banners/signage where possible informing that COVID precautions are in effect.
- Sanitation will be available for all players and staff
- Sanitizer for participants
- Hand sanitizer for all coordinators/umps
- Disposable gloves for staff
- Players and participants or staff are also encouraged to bring their own PPE as well
- Follow most recent group gathering size guidelines by CDC and/or local government for current phase
- Avoid congregating in groups, touching shared surfaces
- No post-game handshakes, high fives, or celebratory contact of any kind
- Staging/Waiting areas for teams entering field or courts for next game
- Location specific emails will go out to all teams and players
- These will be added to schedule pages where applicable
- Location specific emails will go out to all teams and players
- No spectators allowed and avoid using bleachers where possible or required
- Avoid allowing pets or children when possible as it increases the difficulty for social distancing
- Staff will sanitize common areas as needed
- Options for digital signing of waivers/rosters have been implemented to reduce touch points
- CSSC will designate a COVID response point person in the office to address policy and guideline updates as it pertains to rules, parks, players, staff, etc.
- Some locations may require a daily roster/attendance of everyone in attendance at the facility in order to comply with mandated contact tracing. This will be required in order to enter the facility.
- Consistent with applicable law and privacy policies, have staff, umpires/officials, and players self-report to the organization if they have symptoms of COVID-19, a positive test for COVID-19, or were exposed to someone with COVID-19 within the last 14 days in accordance with health information sharing regulations for COVID-19, and other applicable laws and regulations.
For Medium Risk sports including Soccer, Flag Football, Volleyball and Basketball:
Current State of Illinois guidelines for safely playing sports group different sports into “Levels of Risk” categories. The State has also stated that current conditions dictate what “Types of Play” are allowed for the risk level categories they have created. Currently the State considers Medium Risk sports including Flag Football, Soccer, Volleyball and Basketball to be allowed to play at Type of play levels 1 and 2. This allows for intra-team scrimmages and training. CSSC will therefore allow groups to register as squads onto “Teams”. Squads will be grouped together with up to eight other squads as part of one team. Squads will play weekly intra-team scrimmages amongst the other squads on the team. Squads will remain together and will not be combined with any other squad. Our staff will supervise the scrimmages each week. Squads will play one other squad from the team each week. All players must also wear face coverings at all times and remain socially distanced (6 feet or more apart) whenever possible when they are on site or playing indoors; and while not playing either on the sidelines, in the dugouts, before and after games/matches/scrimmages or in transit to and from our field/court locations outdoors.
For Lower Risk sports including Softball, Kickball, Bowling, Dodgeball, Tennis, Cornhole, Pickle Ball and others:
Current State of Illinois guidelines for safely playing sports group different sports into “Levels of Risk” categories. The State has also stated that current conditions dictate what “Types of Play” are allowed for the risk level categories they have created. Currently the State considers Lower Risk sports including Softball, Kickball, Bowling, Dodgeball, Tennis, Cornhole to be allowed to play at Type of Play levels 1, 2 and 3. This allows for intra-team scrimmages, training and Intra-league/conference play and championships. We can therefore play our leagues as normal provided all players must also wear face coverings at all times and remain socially distanced (6 feet or more apart) whenever possible when they are on site or playing indoors, and while not playing either on the sidelines, in the dugouts, before and after games/matches/scrimmages or in transit to and from our field/court locations outdoors.
Each player needs to complete the Daily Attestations Form before playing each time. Complete the form on your mobile device and show the green confirmation screen to your program's official or monitor during check-in.
i. Team listed as home on schedule - First Base Foul Line
ii. Team listed as away on schedule - Third Base Foul Line
iii. Only up to bat/kick, on deck & base coaches allowed on the field for batting/kicking team
i. Softball – use a new ball for each game – leave in packaging until game time
ii. Kickball - After the game - balls are given to coordinator to spray down and air dry - new sanitized ball used for each game
i. Umpires must stand 6’ behind the batter/kicker to the opposite side of the Catcher
i. All staff, players, umpires, and spectators are encouraged to continue social distancing
ii. Each team’s captain and umps/refs will conduct a pregame meeting at home plate, all involved are required to keep 6’ social distancing during ground rules and coin toss.
iii. Catchers stand 6’ behind the batter/kicker on the opposite side of umpire when possible
iv. Suggest no shared equipment, bats, gloves, etc. for teams
v. Teams must completely exit the field before next teams are allowed on the field
vi. Base coaches must be 6’ away from the base.
vii. No spitting, sunflower seeds, or chewing tobacco
viii. No group celebrations
i. Stay home if you are sick, not feeling well, or show any symptoms
ii. Wash hands thoroughly before and after games
iii. Wait in your car until it is time for your team to play
iv. Bring own individual water bottle
v. No group celebrations
a. Each court should have a designated waiting area, one for each team. If players are playing in multiple matches, they should wait outside of these designated areas maintaining social distance.
b. Between games or at switching sides, remind players to avoid contact
c. Have people take their belongings onto the sand/court to free up waiting areas for the next teams/players
d. Come, play, leave - encourage players to leave after their games if they are done playing to allow more space for more players
e. Spray disinfectant will be available for game balls
f. There should only be team players on any court at any given time
g. For Indoor Leagues all players must wear face coverings at all times and remain socially distanced (6 feet or more apart) whenever possible when they are on site or playing indoors. For outdoor leagues, face coverings must be worn before and after games/matches/scrimmages or in transit to and from your field/court locations, and any time while not playing either on the sidelines, in dugouts, or whenever in contact with others while not playing.
i. All staff, players, and referees are encouraged to continue social distancing
ii. Each team’s captain will conduct a pregame rock/paper/scissors at the net, all involved are required to keep 6’ social distancing.
iii. No spitting, sunflower seeds, or chewing tobacco
i. Stay home if you are sick, not feeling well, or show any symptoms
ii. Wash hands thoroughly before and after games
iii. Wait in your car until it is time for your team to play
iv. Bring own individual water bottle
v. No group celebrations
i. Teams must use opposite sidelines if possible or maintain at least 10 yards of distance from opposing team on same sideline. Should teams have to share a sideline due to field configuration they must remain near opposite endlines of the field.
ii. For Indoor Leagues all players must wear face coverings at all times and remain socially distanced (6 feet or more apart) whenever possible when they are on site or playing indoors. For outdoor leagues, face coverings must be worn before and after games/matches/scrimmages or in transit to and from your field/court locations, and any time while not playing either on the sidelines, in dugouts, or whenever in contact with others while not playing.
iii. Only one player per team shall be allowed at the coin toss with the ref to begin the game
iv. Sanitize “game” ball before each half & any new ball entering game
v. Sanitize cones at end of night
vi. No spitting, sunflower seeds, or chewing tobacco
i. Stay home if you are sick, not feeling well, or show any symptoms
ii. Wash hands thoroughly before and after games
iii. Wait in your car until it is time for your team to play
iv. Bring own individual water bottle
v. No group celebrations
i. Provide one separate flag belt for each player
1. Will have at each game dropped off at their team location
2. We will have a communal bag of flags and sanitizer spray for any necessary replacement belts
3. Flags will be sanitized after each use.
b. Balls and other equipment
i. All balls, kicking tees, cones, first down markers and any other equipment will be sanitized after every game. A different game ball will be used for each game.
i. Teams must use opposite sidelines. Should teams have to share a sideline due to field configuration they must remain near opposite endlines of the field maintaining at least 10 yards of separation from opposing team.
ii. For Indoor Leagues all players must wear face coverings at all times and remain socially distanced (6 feet or more apart) whenever possible when they are on site or playing indoors. For outdoor leagues, face coverings must be worn before and after games/matches/scrimmages or in transit to and from your field/court locations, and any time while not playing either on the sidelines, in dugouts, or whenever in contact with others while not playing.
iii. Only one player per team shall be allowed at the coin toss with the ref to begin the game
iv. Sanitize “game” ball before each half & any new ball entering game
v. Sanitize cones at end of night
vi. No spitting, sunflower seeds, or chewing tobacco
i. Stay home if you are sick, not feeling well, or show any symptoms
ii. Wash hands thoroughly before and after games
iii. Wait in your car until it is time for your team to play
iv. Bring own individual water bottle
v. No group celebrations
a. For Indoor Leagues all players must wear face coverings at all times and remain socially distanced (6 feet or more apart) whenever possible when they are on site or playing indoors. For outdoor leagues, face coverings must be worn before and after games/matches/scrimmages or in transit to and from your field/court locations, and any time while not playing either on the sidelines, in dugouts, or whenever in contact with others while not playing.
b. Sanitize “game” ball before each half & any new ball entering the game
c. Sanitize chairs/benches after each game
d. Designated waiting areas for teams
i. Stay home if you are sick, not feeling well, or show any symptoms
ii. Wash hands thoroughly before and after games
iii. Wait in your car until it is time for your team to play
iv. Bring own individual water bottle
v. No group celebrations
a. Use new balls for every match
b. Players use their own rackets
i. Stay home if you are sick, not feeling well, or show any symptoms
ii. Wash hands thoroughly before and after games
iii. Wait in your car until it is time for your team to play
iv. Bring own individual water bottle
v. No group celebrations
While repeated from specific sport requirements, ALL players are expected to follow these guidelines:
- Take your temperature daily and especially before activities with others.
- If you are sick or have any symptoms stay at home.
- Wash hands thoroughly before and after games.
- Bring, and use, hand sanitizer with you at every game.
- Wear mask before and immediately after all play.
- Do not touch or share anyone else’s equipment, water, food or bags.
- Practice social distancing, place bags and equipment at least 6 feet apart.
- Wash and sanitize all equipment before and after every game.
- No group celebrations, high-5s, hugs, handshakes, fist-bumps, etc.
- Adopt a Burning Man - “Leave No Trace” Policy. Teams must leave absolutely nothing at the field and in the dugouts and sidelines. Do not make staff clean up after you!
- Wait in your car until it is time for your team to play.
- Bring your own personal water bottle rather than sharing.
- Follow all CDC guidelines as well as those of your local health authorities.
- For Indoor Leagues all players must wear face coverings at all times and remain socially distanced (6 feet or more apart) whenever possible when they are on site or playing indoors. For outdoor leagues, face coverings must be worn before and after games/matches/scrimmages or in transit to and from your field/court locations, and any time while not playing either on the sidelines, in dugouts, or whenever in contact with others while not playing.
All CSSC staff is expected to follow these requirements:
- Be aware of all CSSC COVID policies as well as specific policies and requirements for the location you are working. Educate all players on these policies.
- Take your temperature daily and especially before activities with others. DO NOT WORK if showing any symptoms or feel sick and report to CSSC office staff immediately.
- Wash hands thoroughly before and after games.
- Bring all PPE and special equipment that has been supplied by CSSC.
- Mention all provided PPE that is available for player use to them often.
- Recommended to wear mask during shift if possible.
- Avoid unnecessary touching of any equipment or surfaces if possible.
- Practice and enforce social distancing of at least 6 feet apart.
- Wash and sanitize all equipment before and after every game.
- Enforce no group celebrations, high-5s, hugs, handshakes, fist-bumps, etc.
- Remind all players to take all equipment, trash, etc with them or dispose of themselves.
- Follow all CDC guidelines as well those of your local health authorities.
- Update CSSC office staff on any violations, suggestions, or issues related to their COVID policies.
The above information is also available here as a Printable PDF:
If you have any additional questions regarding this, please feel free to reach out to our team at [email protected]