Touch Rugby

Touch Rugby

Touch Rugby


Chicago Sport & Social Club is excited for the return of Touch Rugby! We offer 5 vs 5 touch rugby leagues outdoors.

Our player perks include sponsor bars (where you are sure to secure great drink specials each week - when applicable), colored league shirts, custom designed champ shirts and various sponsor giveaways each season make this league a win!

With Chicago Sport & Social Club, it’s more than a game. Join in on the fun, team competition and camaraderie of a touch rugby league.

Have a group of players, but not enough for a full team? Reach out to to see if we can help connect you with another partial team in order to make a whole one.




Men’s 5 vs. 5 - recommended 10 players on roster

Coed 5 vs. 5 (3 men/2 women on the field) - recommended 10 players on roster

6-8 games guaranteed, team jerseys, league administration, equipment, two certified referees, playoffs for qualifying teams, prizes for winners and drink and/or food specials at league sponsor bar (when applicable)

Each basketball team jersey set includes the following pre-bundled sizes (No exchanges):

  • Coed: 2S, 2M, 4L, 2XL       
  • Men’s: 1M, 5L, 3XL, 1XXL

Teams may purchase additional shirts or sizes for $5 per shirt



The Open level is available to all levels of play. It is "open" to everyone. It is a combination of skill levels that usually skews towards the intermediate level, depending on the sport.



The Open level is available to all levels of play. It is "open" to everyone. It is a combination of skill levels that usually skews towards the intermediate level, depending on the sport.

  • Lincoln Park S. Fields (North Ave./ Lake Shore Dr.) 
    • Lincoln Park South Fields, Chicago, IL, 60614
  • Diversey Grass Field (Diversey/Lake Shore Dr. 
    • 2801 N Lake Shore Dr., Chicago, IL, 60657
  • Clark Park Turf Field 
    • 3400 N. Rockwell , Chicago, IL, 60618
  • CIBC Fire Pitch 
    • 3626 N. Talman Ave, Chicago, IL, 60618